A few of our favourite things
6 Dec 2020
One thing I've learned this year is Australia is a good country and South Australia is a great state. So this Christmas I'm committed to supporting local businesses. But I have to say, I do like brick and mortar stores, mainly because I'm impatient and a control freak! If I want it - I want it now! But don't let me distract you, my message is simple, support local; check the “made in” label on supermarket products; check the website, take a holiday at one of our beautiful Australian beaches, eat local cherries, stay in a caravan park, camp on the mighty Murray River, have a sausage in bread, keep things simple, visit local wineries, visit a bakery and buy something made fresh that morning, buy pure Australian wool products, do the kitchen renovation; say something nice to a service provider, give them a positive review online. Encourage local businesses, buoy their spirit, for whatever 2021 holds in store we are in it together this Christmas - and for the long haul.
I've met some amazingly inspirational business owners and leaders this year. They’re not looking for awards for inspiration, they value their people, they are entrepreneurial and positive and committed to success. They are learning new things - despite the obstacles, they are adapting and investing in their businesses. They are optimistic.
I'm hoping for an Australian based reality show next year that celebrates this entrepreneurship, positivity and enthusiasm?
There are over two million small business owners embracing and thinking boldly, and the time has come for us to recognise one another's achievements, whether it's growing, adapting, or simply surviving.
So let's celebrate this grit, determination and optimism. Coming together is what will make for a very good New Year.
Whatever 2021 holds in store, as a nation, we have been undeniably changed. I'm looking forward to seeing manufacturing grow again, construction flourish, and abundant agricultural industry and for all of us to be spending locally because investment in ourselves means even more now as we embark into this new decade beholden to whatever curved balls mother nature can send our way. Nothing can surprise us, we’ll be ready!
Have a wonderful festive season from all the team here at Feeney. Wherever you are and whoever you spend it with, enjoy, stay safe and remember, wash your hands!
We'll be taking a short break and closing the studio from December 24th and returning Monday, 4th January 2021.
My opinion only; I value yours, so please leave me a comment or get in touch.